Wisława Szymborska was a Polish poet and writer, with a strong ironic style. She won the 1996 Nobel Prize in Literature.

Wislawa Szymborska – Impresso nella memoria / Commemoration

Wislawa Szymborska – Hai fatto in tempo / You were on time

Wislawa Szymborska – Sotto una piccola stella / Under one small star

Wislawa Szymborska – The Turn of the Century

Wislawa Szymborska – Le tre parole più strane / The Three Oddest Words

Wislawa Szymborska – Esempio / Example

Wislawa Szymborska – Se dovessero cercarmi / If someone is looking for me
Wislawa Szymborska – Nulla due volte accade / Nothing Twice

Wislawa Szymborska – La moglie di Lot / Lot’s wife

Wislawa Szymborska – La storia che non si affanna

Wislawa Szymborska – Gli sono troppo vicina / I am too close for him
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