Stephane Mallarmè was a major French symbolist poet. His work inspired several revolutionary artistic schools of the early 20th century, such as Cubism, Futurism, Dadaism, and Surrealism.

Stephane Mallarmè – Crushed by the overwhelming cloud

Stephane Mallarmè – To The Sole Concern

Stephane Mallarmè – Distress

Stephane Mallarmè – Apparition

Stephane Mallarmè – Summer Sadness

Stephane Mallarmè – La tomba di Edgar Poe / The Tomb of Edgar Poe

Stephane Mallarmè – Sea Breeze

Stephane Mallarmè – The Poem’s Gift

Stephane Mallarmè – Her pure nails on high dedicating their onyx

Stephane Mallarmé – Il Pagliaccio Punito / The Clown Chastised

Stephane Mallarmè – The flowers
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