Yes, you remember,
you certainly remember
the way I listened
standing at the wall
as you walked to and fro about the chamber
reproving me
with bitter words and all.
You said
that it was time we’d parted,
and that my reckless life,
for you, was an ordeal,
and it was time a new life you had started
while I was fated
to go rolling downhill.
My love!
You didn’t care for me, no doubt.
Voi ricordate,
voi certamente tutto ricordate:
come io stavo
alla parete appoggiato,
e come, andando su e giù per la stanza
un discorso tagliente
mi scagliavate in faccia.
È tempo di lasciarci, dicevate;
e che vi aveva sfinito
la vita mia dissennata,
ch’era tempo per voi di lavorare,
e mio destino
rotolarmene ancora più in basso.
Amore mio!
Voi non mi avete amato.
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