Honestly, I wish I were dead. Weeping many tears, she left me and said, “Alas, how terribly we suffer, Sappho. I really leave you against my will.” And I answered: “Farewell, go and remember me. You know how we cared for you. If not, I would remind you …of our wonderful times. For by my side you put on many wreaths of roses and garlands of flowers around your soft neck.
Sento arrivare la morte. Lei, copiosa di lacrime, lasciandomi: “Destino crudele, Saffo, mai vorrei lasciarti”. E io risposi: “Addio, va serena e ricordati di me. Tu sai che t’ho amato”. Quante corone di viole, di rose e salvia poste sul tuo corpo, là, vicino a me. Ghirlande intrecciate attorno al delicato collo, fatte dei fiori di primavera.