Tell me, thou Star, whose wings of light
speed thee in thy fiery flight,
in what cavern of the night
will thy pinions close now?
speed thee in thy fiery flight,
in what cavern of the night
will thy pinions close now?
Tell me, Moon, thou pale and gray
pilgrim of Heaven’s homeless way,
in what depth of night or day
seekest thou repose now?
pilgrim of Heaven’s homeless way,
in what depth of night or day
seekest thou repose now?
Weary Wind, who wanderest
like the world’s rejected guest,
hast thou still some secret nest
on the tree or billow?
like the world’s rejected guest,
hast thou still some secret nest
on the tree or billow?
Tu Stella dimmi, che ali di luce
ti sospingono rapida a un volo di fiamma,
dentro quale caverna della notte
si chiuderanno ora le tue piume?
E tu Luna che vai, pallida e grigia
pellegrina del Cielo, per vie senza riparo,
in quali abissi del giorno e della notte
stai ora ricercando il tuo riposo?
Vento ormai stanco, che passi vagabondo
come l’ospite esule del mondo,
possiedi ancora un tuo nido segreto
in vetta a un albero, in mezzo alle onde?
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