Otto René Castillo – Eravamo così lontani / We were so far

Gustave Courtois, Persée délivrant Andromède, 1913

We were so far from each other
seas were among us,
and mountains, and waters,
fire and wind.
Long years of dark sorrow
were among us.
But we met
– despite everything –
because life
willfully desired it.

(Transl. by D. Foglia)

Eravamo così lontani uno dall’altra
mari c’erano fra noi
montagne e acque
fuoco e vento.
Lunghi anni di oscura disperazione
c’erano fra di noi.
Ma ci incontrammo
nonostante tutto
perchè la vita
lo voleva ciecamente.

This is a personal translation. Please contact me if you know another English translation.