Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch) – Lassare il velo o per sole o per ombra / Lady, I have never seen you

Emile Lévy, Venus and Cupid, 1862

Lady, I have never seen you
put aside your veil for sun or for shadow
since you knew the great desire in me
that lightens my heart of all other wishes.

While I carried my lovely thoughts hidden
(with desire they are bringing death into my heart)
I saw you adorn your face  with pity:
but since Love has made you aware of me,
your blonde hair has been veiled,
and your lovely gaze kept to itself.
What I most desired in you has been taken from me;
thus the veil controls me
and to cause my death 
shades the sweet light of your lovely eyes in both warm and icy weather.

(Transl. by Robert M. Durling)

Lassare il velo o per sole o per ombra
donna, non vi vid’io
poi che in me conosceste il gran desio
ch’ogni altra voglia d’entr’al cor mi sgombra.

Mentr’io portava i be’ pensier’ celati,
ch’ànno la mente desïando morta,
vidivi di pietate ornare il volto;
ma poi ch’Amor di me vi fece accorta,
fuor i biondi capelli allor velati,
et l’amoroso sguardo in sé raccolto.
Quel ch’i’ piú desïava in voi m’è tolto:
sí mi governa il velo
che per mia morte, et al caldo et al gielo,
de’ be’ vostr’occhi il dolce lume adombra.