Emily Dickinson is widely regarded as one of the foremost American poet of 19th century. She is known for her innovative use of form and syntax, such as short lines and unconventional capitalization and punctuation.
Emily Dickinson – Quella vita che fu tenuta a freno / The Life that tied too tight escapes
Emily Dickinson – Il Tempo passa / Time does go on
Emily Dickinson – Notti selvagge / Wild nights
Emily Dickinson – Riproporre a noi stessi / Rehearsal to Ourselves
Emily Dickinson – Ho derubato i boschi / I Robbed The Woods
Emily Dickinson – “Hope” is the thing with feathers
Emily Dickinson – Credo che Vivere / I think To Live
Emily Dickinson – Autunno / Autumn
Emily Dickinson – Io non l’ho detto ancora al mio giardino / I haven’t told my garden yet
Emily Dickinson – Per un istante d’estasi / For each extatic instant
Emily Dickinson – Per chiudere una falla / To fill a Gap
Emily Dickinson – Dimorare nei pressi del terrore / A nearness to Tremendousness
Emily Dickinson – C’è un altro cielo / There is another sky
Emily Dickinson – Io canto per riempire l’attesa / I sing to use the Waiting
Emily Dickinson – Immortalità / Immortality
Emily Dickinson – Ciò che posso fare / What I can do
Emily Dickinson – Morii per la bellezza / I Died For Beauty
Emily Dickinson – Alba / Dawn
Emily Dickinson – Come se chiedessi una comune elemosina / As If I Asked A Common Alms
Emily Dickinson – Non avessi mai visto il sole / Had I not seen the Sun
Emily Dickinson – Presi un sorso di vita / I took one Draught of Life
Emily Dickinson – So guardare il dolore / I can wade grief
Emily Dickinson – Io sono Nessuno / I’m Nobody
Emily Dickinson – In casa ero la più piccina / I was the slightest in the House
Emily Dickinson – Fra le mie dita tenevo un gioiello / I Held A Jewel In My Fingers
Emily Dickinson – Il gelo della morte era sul vetro / The Frost of Death was on the Pane
Emily Dickinson – L’Ape non è impaurita da me / The Bee is not afraid of me
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