Elio Pecora – M’attende nello specchio / He waits for me in the mirror

Claudio Bonichi, Conversazione interrotta, 2010

He waits for me in the mirror,
as in an old tale about biased insanity,
rarely does he look at me
– I also know well the contempt he interchanges with fear –
from the beginning we are together 
and we’ll certainly be until the last closing,
when we leave
for that nothing which belongs to us and to everyone.
Sometimes I forget it,
thus the journey becomes bearable and bright,
but soon the unheeded
goes back to count steps, to cut off breaths;
I saw him, he arranged for himself
extremely dubious hopes, insignificant prizes,
when it would’ve been enough
managing endless noisy anguishes and cravings.
That time I tried
to escape the room of his sad secret
he left the door ajar
and showed me only sand and ash, just for a moment.

(Transl. by Dina Foglia)

M’attende nello specchio
come in un vecchio racconto di prevenuta pazzia,
raramente mi guarda
pure so bene il disprezzo che alterna alla paura,
stiamo insieme ab initio
ci staremo di certo fino all’estrema chiusura
quando ripartiremo
per quel niente che a noi come a tutti spetta.
Ogni tanto lo scordo
e andando si fa lieve e contento il tragitto,
ma presto l’ignorato
torna a contare i passi, a mozzare i respiri;
l’ho visto, si ammanniva
di assai dubbie speranze, di premi da poco,
quando era sufficiente
amministrarsi le ansie e le voglie mai zitte.
La volta che ho provato
a lasciare la stanza del suo triste segreto
ha socchiuso la porta
e m’ha mostrato, un attimo, sabbia soltanto e cenere.

This is a personal translation. Please contact me if you know another English translation.