Dylan Thomas was a Welsh poet and writer, who struggled with a habit of alcohol abuse. He wrote intense, original, rhythmic and ingenious lyrics, partly following the Romantic tradition.

Dylan Thomas – Cerca la carne sulle ossa / Find meat on bones

Dylan Thomas – II, 6

Dylan Thomas – Il pagliaccio sulla luna / Clown In The Moon

Dylan Thomas – Orecchi ascoltano nelle torrette / Ears in the turrets hear

Dylan Thomas – Resta immobile, dormi nella bonaccia / Lie still, sleep becalmed

Dylan Thomas – Twenty-four Years / 24 anni

Dylan Thomas – Elegy

Dylan Thomas – Amore in manicomio / Love in the Asylum

Dylan Thomas – Discopre i suoi nervi il mio eroe / My hero bares his nerves

Dylan Thomas – Non essendo che uomini / Being but men

Dylan Thomas – Questo pane che spezzo / This bread I break

Dylan Thomas – Oh, fatemi una maschera / O Make Me A Mask

Dylan Thomas – Splendessero lanterne / Should lanterns shine
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