Dino Campana – Moored boats/Barche amorrate

Edward Hopper, The Lee Shore, 1941

The sails the sails the sails
 that crack and lash in the gale
 that with vain sequences swells
 the sails the sails the sails!
That weave and weave: changeable wails
 that the wave that subsides
 hides in the changeable wave…
In the last cruel crash…
The sails the sails the sails

Le vele le vele le vele
 che schioccano e frustano al vento
 che gonfia di vane sequele
 le vele le vele le vele!
Che tesson e tesson: lamento
 volubil che l’onda che ammorza
 ne l’onda volubile smorza…
Ne l’ultimo schianto crudele…
Le vele le vele le vele