Dario Bellezza was an Italian poet, author and playwright. He was close to Sandro Penna, Aldo Palazzeschi and Elsa Morante. Bellezza was discovered by Pier Paolo Pasolini, who defined him as “the best poet of the new generation”. His work also tells about the difficulty of homosexual life in Rome and its secrecy.
Dario Bellezza – Dio mi moriva sul mare azzurro / God was dying on the sea
Dario Bellezza – Il mare di soggettività sto perlustrando/The sea of subjectivity I am scouring
Dario Bellezza – To Pier Paolo Pasolini
Dario Bellezza – Le trombe squilleranno
Dario Bellezza – Fuori di me
Dario Bellezza – Appunti / Notes
Dario Bellezza – E’ avventizio il mio essere reale
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