Antonis Fostieris – Il plenilunio / Full moon

Vladimir Kush, Moon Watch, 2012

I don’t expect anything from you, o heaven, anything anymore,
wherever I cling on I loudly fall down,
from your airy roof full of shells,
from the rusty bunch of your stars.
A gigantic moon rises in me,
aggressively swelling along my edges, 
a full moon will surge to shatter me.

(Transl. by D. Foglia)

Niente, non aspetto più niente da te, cielo,
dovunque mi aggrappi cado con fragore
dal tuo tetto d’aria colmo di conchiglie
dal mazzo arrugginito delle tue stelle;
una luna spropositata sorge in me
s’ingrossa minacciosa sui miei crinali
sorgerà un plenilunio a frantumarmi.

This is a personal translation. Please contact me if you know another English translation.