And where did we meet? Was it in London on Carnaby Street? Was it in Paris on the Left Bank? That there that I can thank? No. It was Harvard Square at the kiosk with both of us crying. I can thank that there — the day Jack Kennedy was dying. And one hour later he was dead. The brains fell out of his dazzling head. And we cried and drank our whiskey straight and the world remembers the date, the date. And we both wrote poems we couldn’t write and cried together the whole long night and fell in love with a delicate breath on the eve that great men call for death.
E dov’è che ci siamo conosciuti? A Londra, in Carnaby Street? Fu Parigi, sulla Rive Gauche, Quel “là” cui posso essere grata? No. Eravamo ad Harvard Square, All’edicola in lacrime entrambi. A quel “là” posso essere grata – Il giorno che Jack Kennedy moriva. E un’ora dopo era morto, Le cervella schizzate dalla mente brillante. E piangendo bevemmo un whiskey liscio, E il mondo ancora ricorda la data. Entrambi scrivemmo poesie, ma non ci riuscimmo E insieme piangemmo tutta la notte E fra teneri sospiri ci innamorammo La sera che i grandi comandano morte.