Anna Akhmatova was one of the most significant Russian poets of the 20th century. Her work was condemned and censored by Stalinist authorities.
Anna Akhmatova – Sentirai il tuono / You will hear thunder
Anna Akhmatova – Era geloso
Anna Akhmatova – Dante
Anna Akhmatova – Ultimo brindisi / The Last Toast
Anna Akhmatova – La Sentenza / The Sentence
Anna Akhmatova – To death
Anna Akhmatova – Non ho chiuso le tendine
Anna Akhmatova – Dedica / Dedication
Anna Akhmatova – Non è il tuo amore che domando / I won’t beg for your love
Anna Akhmatova – In una notte bianca / White night
Anna Akhmatova – Distacco / Parting
Anna Akhmatova – Ah, tu pensavi che anch’io fossi una / You thought I was that type
Anna Akhmatova – Sotto la scura veletta / Under her dark veil
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